Los mejores ingredientes para una piel con manchas

The best ingredients for blemished skin

Gone are the days of summer and, unfortunately, not all the memories that the sun leaves us are good. Inevitably, facial skin suffers and loses its healthy tone, new stains or the ones we already had worsen.

Treating these spots is not an easy task, but there are numerous options to reduce them significantly. To attack the problem directly, we must include in our usual routine products with depigmenting and renewing properties, with powerful exfoliating and antioxidant ingredients such as arbutin and the AHAS.


Alpha hydroxy acids stimulate collagen production and provide luminosity, improve skin texture, eliminate marks and reduce expression lines, providing smooth, even and radiant skin.

arbutin and daisy

They are natural ingredients that regulate melanin, promote skin whitening, preventing spots, thus unifying the tone and illuminating the skin. In addition, they are ideal components for the most sensitive skin.